Udemy Course Coupons with Best Price and Bundle Offer
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Bundle Offer — Microservices Book and Courses
As a token of my appreciation for your support, I will also be offering a LIMITED BEST PRICE BUNDLE OFFER FOR YOU at the launch. And offer to you both a Microservices e-book and full of my below courses. [BOOK + 4 COURSE]
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Udemy Course Coupons w/ Best Prices
If you would like to enroll specific course, Please use below links for using discounted coupons;
Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .Net 5-https://www.udemy.com/course/microservices-architecture-and-implementation-on-dotnet/?couponCode=FA24745CC57592AB612A
Deploying .Net Microservices with K8s, AKS and Azure DevOps ->https://www.udemy.com/course/deploying-net-microservices-with-k8s-aks-and-azure-devops/?couponCode=AD812B0DF691CB3AF79B
Using gRPC in Microservices for Building a high-performance Interservice Communication with .Net 5 ->
Securing .Net Microservices with IdentityServer4, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect fronted by Ocelot API Gateway -https://www.udemy.com/course/secure-net-microservices-with-identityserver4-oauth2openid/?couponCode=2E7C1D32B62DF23A5A7D
Courses Overview
In the “Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .Net” course, you’ll learn to using .net core in microservices with Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, SqlServer, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clean Architecture implementation.
Through 141 lectures and 13.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the microservices — experiencing all the development steps of run-aspnetcore-microservices repository on github.
In the “Deploying .Net Microservices with K8s, AKS and Azure DevOps” course, we’re going to learn how to Deploying .Net Microservices into Kubernetes, and moving deployments to the cloud Azure kubernetes services (AKS) with using Azure Container Registry(ACR) and last section is we will learn how to Automating Deployments with CI/CD pipeline of Azure DevOps and GitHub.
Through 111 lectures and 10.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the Deploying Microservices — experiencing all the deployment steps of run-devops repository on aspnetrun github.
In the “Using gRPC in Microservices Communication” course, we are building a high-performance gRPC Inter-service Communication between backend microservices with .Net 5 and AspNet 5. Microservices are modern distributed systems so with gRPC in ASP.NET 5, we will develop high-performance, cross-platform applications for building distributed systems and APIs. It’s an ideal choice for communication between backend microservices, internal network applications, or iot devices and services. With the release of ASP.NET 5, Microsoft has added first-class support for creating gRPC services with Asp.Net 5.
Through 92 lectures and 7.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the gRPC in microservices — experiencing all the development steps of run-aspnet-grpc repository on github.
In the “Securing .NET 5 Microservices” course, we are securing .Net 5 microservices using standalone Identity Server 4 and backing with Ocelot API Gateway. We’re going to protect our ASP.NET Web MVC and API applications by using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect in IdentityServer4. Securing your web application and API with tokens, working with claims, authentication and authorization middlewares and applying policies, and so on.
Through 76 lectures and 5.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the security in microservices — experiencing all the development steps of run-aspnet-identityserver4 repository on github.
The Book — Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET
You can find Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET book which step by step developing this repository with extensive explanations and details. This book is the best path to leverage your .NET skills in every aspect from beginner to senior level you can benefit to ramp-up faster on Enterprise Application Development practices and easy to Onboarding to Full Stack .Net Core Developer jobs.
Download Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET Book
Download Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET Book
Below some useful links;
Check the Code on Github -> https://github.com/aspnetrun/run-aspnetcore-microservices
Check the Code on Github Grpc -> https://github.com/aspnetrun/run-aspnet-grpc
Check the Code on Github Security -> https://github.com/aspnetrun/run-aspnet-identityserver4
Check Explanation of this Microservices Repository on Medium -> https://medium.com/aspnetrun/microservices-architecture-on-net-3b4865eea03f
Check Explanation of this Microservices Repository on Medium Grpc -> https://medium.com/aspnetrun/using-grpc-in-microservices-for-building-a-high-performance-interservice-communication-with-net-5-11f3e5fa0e9d
Check Explanation of this Microservices Repository on Medium Security -> https://medium.com/aspnetrun/securing-microservices-with-identityserver4-with-oauth2-and-openid-connect-fronted-by-ocelot-api-49ea44a0cf9e