New Udemy Course Released ! Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net 5 — BEST PRICE FOR YOU
I have just published a new course — “Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net 5”
if you haven’t developed gRPC yet, most probably you have to develop gRPC in the next microservices project when communicating your microservices.
In the course, we are going to build a high-performance gRPC Inter-Service Communication between backend microservices with .Net 5 and Asp.Net 5.
Through 92 lectures and 7.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the gRPC in microservices — experiencing all the development steps of run-aspnet-grpc repository on github.
As a token of my appreciation for your support, I will also be offering a LIMITED BEST PRICE OFF DISCOUNT FOR YOU at the launch. This offer EXPIRES IN 5 DAYS.
Microservices are modern distributed systems so with gRPC in ASP.NET 5, we will develop high-performance, cross-platform applications for building distributed systems and APIs. It’s an ideal choice for communication between backend microservices, internal network applications, or iot devices and services. With the release of ASP.NET 5, Microsoft has added first-class support for creating gRPC services with Asp.Net 5.
This course will led you get started building, developing and managing gRPC servers and clients on distributed microservices architecture.
Below some useful links;
Check the Code on Github ->
Check Explanation of this Microservices Repository on Medium ->